Another Blow


Well we got some more bad news this last clinic appointment. Evan isn’t on his normal growth chart, he just fell off over the last 6 months. So one of two things are going on. One, his body didn’t put him in puberty on its own so we have to kick it in with testosterone shots. Hopefully that will take care of it and he’ll start growing again. 

Or two, his body doesn’t make HGH, which he needs for puberty and growth. This would mean 2-4 years of daily shots to ensure he’s growing. This was quite a blow for Evan. He is already burnt out and overwhelmed by T1D. The thought of one more thing to manage out him over the edge. We’ll know more in January.

I’m beyond grateful that his doctor caught this. But I’m incredibly sad that he has another thing to deal with. I’d give anything to take all this medical stuff from him. And yet I can’t.

 I am reminded though to be thankful for the little things. Just spending the day with him on clinic days is a gift. I’m grateful for the quality time with him. 
